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Universal Laws: The Law of Compensation

The Universal Law. Of Compensation. The Law of Compensation states that by using the Law of Cause and Effect properly, blessings are bestowed on us in the form of abundance, joy, peace and prosperity. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us by way of gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and success.  many people assume we are talking about money or monetary rewards. Though these things are compensation, they are not the only form of compensation. When we talk about this Universal Law of Compensation, we are talking about any blessing given us in return for our deeds, our thoughts, our words, or feelings. This is a world of balance and harmony. The Universe is both self organising and self correcting, and no good deed is left unrewarded. This law ensures that we are rewarded for any past acts of kindness or love, that at the time we may not have received. This compensation can come to us in this life or in the next. It comes in many forms; gifts, money, friendships, health, talent… It all depends on what you expect to receive for any given deed or task you perform. The thing I want you to understand about this law is that all the things mentioned above come to you in proportion to the deeds you perform, the thoughts you have, the feelings you have, and that which you put out into the universe. Without any doubt the universal law of compensation has been very much misunderstood by people. They especially consider it as the subtext of the usual modern phrases like “karma is a b****”. This can give the impression of being unfair but it is important to remember the bigger picture; All of our incarnations are happening simultaneously any action that affects one affects the whole line. And each is evolving spiritually. If an incarnation was to advance spiritually in this lifetime then every other incarnation past and future would benefit greatly also.. This law can be summarized by this famous proverb “You reap what you sow” but, hardly ever people look at it without any preconceived notion. You have to look at this phrase without any judgment to get the real essence of what it says “you reap what you sow”, that simply means that you get results in accordance to your actions. When I say action, you would have thought that I am talking about what we do physically at any moment, that’s because we all forget that “thinking” is also an action. In fact physical action is just an outcome that’s governed by various other factors. For example, if you have formed a belief that “love hurts”, every time you think about that or you feel a certain negative way whenever something reminds you of that, you are fostering a plant which will grow up to become tree unless you do something about it. That’s why I say be careful when you talk, think, feel or accept any belief because you are the gardener of your mind’s garden, take care of your plants otherwise the weeds will ruin them. Talking about the mind garden, I am reminded of a beautiful meditation I learned in the unlimited abundance course. You can also do a little exercise like that by relaxing yourself and then imagining a garden where your life’s different areas will be represented by plants, this is a good way to communicate with your subconscious mind to receive essential messages for your improvement. “To whatever extent your mind is aligned with love, you will receive divine compensation for any lack in your material existence. From spiritual substance will come material manifestation. This is not just a theory; it is a fact. It is a law by which the universe operates. I call it the Law of Divine Compensation.” ― Marianne Williamson, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles Be well, Be inspired, Be the inspiration and the Miracle!! Namaste Mercury Veritas / Michael Gamble #universalLaws #hiddenknowledge #lightcodes #souluogrades #paradigmshift #Yogiphilosopher #Yogiphilosophy #ascensiontools 

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