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The 2018 Lightworkers Guide to Growing though the Retrograde!!Helpful Information, and Tips for the

There are multiple times during the year in which we will be affected by multiple planetary retrogrades at once. When a planet or body is retrograde in the birth chart, its energies are turned inward. They’re often felt more strongly, but there is something about the planet’s energies that the native keeps hidden or undercover. There can be shyness, discomfort, or awkwardness expressing the planet’s energy directly or overtly.

Sometimes there is denial, something lacking, or something missing in early childhood, and there are delays associated with the retrograde planet’s energies. Perhaps for a Saturn retrograde person, there was a lack of discipline or structure, or possibly an authority figure in the childhood, and the native feels awkward in a situation that calls for specific rules or protocol as a result. On the flip side, there may have been overly strict influences in youth, and the end result is similar – the native often feels guilty and worries excessively about meeting responsibilities, how others think of them, and how to play by the rules. That’s one example. Another example could be with Uranus retrograde prominent in the chart, in childhood there may have been a lack of freedom and possibly too many rules, or uniqueness and eccentricities were not encouraged, so that the native’s expression of these things in adulthood is inhibited, choppy, and basically doesn’t come out naturally. With retrograde Venus, perhaps the child was discouraged in some way when he or she expressed loving feelings or attempted to make themselves more attractive; or possibly there was a lack of money and resources.

*Note that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde.

Planets and bodies can appear to be moving backwards in the sky for a period of time, and are said to be retrograde. “Appear” is the key word here, because, technically speaking, no planet actually moves backwards in their orbits around the Sun.

Mercury turns retrograde more frequently than any other planet, but outer planets are retrograde more often than Mercury. Mercury can never be more than 28 degrees from the Sun, and whenever it reaches its furthest distance from the Sun, it changes direction. Venus and Mars are retrograde approximately 7-10% of the time. Jupiter through Pluto are retrograde for large periods of the year.

Due to the arrangement of the planets in concentric orbits around the Sun, it sometimes appears from our vantage point here on Earth, that a planet is moving backwards in the zodiac, a condition called “retrograde.” A retrograde planet is a special situation in astrology. The planet is not behaving normally, therefore its astrological effects are not per its usual manifestation. Yet, when retrograde, a planet is at its closest to the Earth, bright in the Heavens, therefore is stronger than usual and accordingly, is known for its powerful effects.

When you have a retrograde planet or planets, the energy of that planet is not expressing itself outwardly, but instead, the planet manifests in a more subjective manner, i.e., with a more personal, inner experience of its energy. The belief in the metaphysical community is that a challenge or lesson from a previous life needs to be “reexamined” and the retrograde planet represents an experience that wasn’t finished, which seeks to be resolved in this lifetime. The essence of that retrograde planet needs to be more fully grasped for the soul to proceed with its evolution. The outward, material manifestations of the retrograde planet are in some way limited, distorted and /or delayed in the person’s life, until the inner awareness is completed

Retrograde planet in Transit: Transiting planets are the constantly changing positions of the Heavenly bodies in the zodiac. There are three phases to the transiting retrograde planet’s influence on a natal chart. The usual effects of this 3-phase process are: 1. The planet’s influence introduces itself by bringing up some issue or creating an event in your life.

2. The planet during its retrograde phase “revisits” that issue or event, which may also entail delaying the resolution or realization of the action.

3. Having returned to direct motion, the planet again advances over the natal planet and area of the zodiac / portion of your chart, which causes the final resolution of what it signifies.

Generally speaking, if you have an important project or event that you wish to begin or plan, it is better to schedule it when the concerned planet is not in its retrograde phase, since the birth chart of that endeavor will forever be plagued by the complexities of that planet not operating normally. For example: beginning a construction project when Mars is retrograde results in the project continually running into technical obstacles and delays. The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move so slowly that their retrograde phase is barely noticed, unless there is an exact conjunction with a natal planet in your chart. In that case, there will be effects, which will generally be disruptive, and hard to control

Retrograde Timing Jupiter: The planet of Luck, Opportunity Retrograde: March 8th - July 10th 2018 23° scorpio 13’ Jupiter takes around 12 years to do a complete revolution around the Sun. When Jupiter goes retrograde it is good to review our visions, ideals, and belief systems in life. Jupiter is retrograde for about 4 months each year, retracing its steps in the zodiac suggests checking back with opportunities that did not pan out initially. The planet of wisdom revisiting the part of the Heavens it just passed through suggests finding wisdom by reviewing the past events in your life. In its initial forward movement contacting a natal planet, Jupiter will present an opportunity that concerns the significations of that natal planet. During the retrograde phase the opportunity will appear to be withdrawn, and then resurface again when Jupiter returns to its normal forward motion. Mercury: Planet of Communication; Rational Thinking, Intellect & Awareness Retrograde: March 22 - April 15th Aries July 26th - August 19th Leo November 16th - December 6th Sagittarius - Scorpio Mercury takes 88 days to do one complete revolution around the Sun.. Mercury goes retrograde three times in an average year, for approximately three weeks each time. When the planet of Rational Thinking, Communications, Equipment, and Business Transactions, stops operating normally, it leads to all sorts of annoying events. If Mercury goes retrograde over a natal planet or sensitive point in your chart, the problems center on the person or activity signified by that natal planet. Mistakes, misunderstandings, problems in communication and transportation are likely. Do not sign contracts, nor buy new items, nor begin new projects. It is an excellent time to plan, research, and prepare for something that will happen later. Saturn: Planet of Karma, Pressure/Structure, Retrograde: April 17th - September 6th Capricorn Saturn takes around 29.5 years to do a complete revolution around the Sun. When Saturn goes retrograde it is a good time to revisit our relationship, work on long term goals, responsibilities and duties, is a time to restructure the way we manifest our reality, and find a new attitude towards obstacles. Saturn is the planet of Structure and of pressure. We can think of Saturn as “Defining” a particular area of your life. When it is going backwards, it is a time of slowing down and redefining the part of your life signified by the house it transits through. Saturn goes through a retrograde phase for approximately 4-1/2 months every year, giving us plenty of opportunity for reconsidering things in our lives. When in forward motion and influencing a natal planet or house in your chart, it puts pressure on that planet’s/ house’s significations. When Retrograde, Saturn is “backing off,” i.e. the pressure is less, allowing you time to self-reflect. There can be more than usual experiences of guilt and self-doubt when Saturn is retrograde in the birth chart. Fears are internalized and they might put on a brave front so that others don’t see them as vulnerable. There can also be a strong fear of letting others down or of not filling their responsibilities – essentially of making poor choices. Sometimes the childhood was not very disciplined or orderly. In some ways, people born with Saturn might feel especially anxious or nervous when they are in situations that call for protocol, etiquette, or specific sets of standards and rules In stage 3, when it returns to normal forward motion, the issue must be resolved. Pluto planet of Inner Transformations, rebirth & renewal Retrograde: April 22nd - September 30th Capricorn Pluto takes 248 years to do a complete revolution around the Sun, thus spending on average about 21 years in each sign of the Zodiac. Pluto moves into retrograde approximately every year for around 5 or 6 months. Nearly half the world’s population has this retrograde. During Its effect, generally people with Pluto as ruling planet or in their natal chart have a harder time integrating themselves into the mainstream of society. When Pluto is very strong, these people find themselves doing things without understanding why. During the Pluto retrograde, those affected may be more inclined to fear being controlled, manipulated, or betrayed by others than those with Pluto direct. There may be a tendency to keep these fears to themselves, as exposing them makes them feel more vulnerable. They don’t as readily let others know their desire for power or control, and might not be in touch with this desire a lot of the time. When Pluto goes retrograde it is good to reflect on how we are doing with change and transformation. Neptune: Planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, Illusion and confusion Retrograde: June 18th - November 24th Pisces Neptune takes about 164 years to do a complete revolution around the Sun, thus spending about 14 years in each sign of the Zodiac.Neptune moves into retrograde approximately every year for around 150 days. Its cloud cover has an especially vivid blue tint, partly due to a currently unidentified compound. Its physical characteristics mirror its metaphysical nature – beyond name, reason or explanation. Neptune takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, and is retrograde 40% of the time. The outer planets, those beyond the view of our naked eye, do not personally impact us as acutely during retrograde as do Mercury, Venus and Mars. Outer planet retrograde effects are often more subtle and collective, but if we are attuned, we have the opportunity to work with this energy in powerful, life-changing ways. When Neptune goes retrograde our spirituality, inner tranquility, and vision become the focus. Neptune wants to dissolve these conditions and illusions, so we can experience unconditional love.Spirituality is everything, and everything includes our humanity. To separate from, ignore, or bypass any part of us, individually or collectively, is contrary to Neptune. Spirituality is not something outside of our humanity – we don’t need to leave to find it. It is in, as much as out of us. Much of the suffering we experience under Neptune influences stems from our dueling desires to separate from, and return to, the Divine. We have never truly been separate, but we can feel ourselves drowning in confusion and hopelessness. Possibilities overwhelm us, and we get lost in the sea of potential, never to manifest anything. One of the most powerful tools of Neptune is our creation of, and belief in, illusions. Through the process of deconstructive thinking, we challenge our ‘castles in the air’, to see if they withstand the test of Universal Truth. Neptune wants to dissolve, revealing what is false, thereby leaving us in more truth. Mars The Warrior Planet Retrograde: June 26th - August 27th Aquarius - Capricorn Mars takes approximately 2 years or 687 days to do a complete revolution around the Sun. Mars moves into retrograde every 2 years + 2 months, and then stays that way for about 55 to 80 days. When Mars goes retrograde, any direct action becomes difficult. Traveling within, finishing tasks left incomplete, redoing, renovating, and repairing will work better than pushing forwards with any new direct ventures. Mars is the planet associated with the Warrior archetype. It is therefore the planet we look to when we want to know about assertiveness, aggression, determination, and action. Mars is also closely associated with sexuality - not the love and romance aspect of sex, but the more instinctual, desire-driven side of it. The Warrior planet only backpedals through the zodiac once every two years, for about ten weeks. tanding up for yourself or asserting yourself may be a challenge, as it can stimulate fears of being ineffective when Mars is in retrograde. There might often be roundabout ways of going after your desires. The desire nature runs deep, but is often misunderstood by others. Timing might often be off, or you could express your desires (or anger) in bursts rather than more flowingly, which leads you to keep these things to yourself and let them build until you explode. You may come on too strong some of the time, and not enough at other times, often thinking of the better thing to say or do only later, when you’re no longer under pressure. Competition can unnerve you, and you are usually better off setting your own pace than working by schedule or with others. You might come up with very creative ways of expressing yourself physically as you mature, or channel your energy into unusual but effective areas quite effectively. It is also thought to be a poor time to begin a new job. Now, with a down economy, it is unlikely that many people who are looking for work would refrain from taking a job that was available, and that is not necessary. However, jobs that begin on Mars retrogrades often fail to live up to expectations and energy seems to be dissipated: Bill Clinton was sworn into office for both his terms with Mars retrograde (very interesting.) Mars retrograde probably isn’t the best time to begin a new exercise program, either. Again, the underlying meaning is that energy is lacking for external activity, so a program that begins under Mars retrograde may fizzle quickly (gym membership, equipment costs, clothing, and other expenses may continue, however!). It probably isn’t the best time to buy new exercise equipment for your home, either (treadmills make for expensive clothing racks). Uranus Planet of Rebellion

Retrograde: August 7th - January 6th 2019 Uranus takes about 84 years to do a complete revolution around the Sun, thus spending about 7 years in each sign of the Zodiac. Uranus moves into retrograde approximately every year for around 148 days. Uranus retrograde in the natal chart is common to 40% of people. As with Neptune and Pluto, it is not considered as harmful or significant as having an inner planet retrograde, like Venus retrograde, which affects only 7% of the population. However, Uranus retrograde does have a noticeable influence with the rebellious and erratic nature of the planet being enhanced. It suggests that in a past life, you may have caused much stress and danger to yourself and loved ones because of your rebellious actions. The Retrograde motion also internalizes the disruptive nature of Uranus. In this life you may feel the shock on the inside as stress, restlessness and impulsiveness. Internal instability can lead to anxiety disorders, spasms, neurotic behavior or rapid personality changes. Uranus retrograde by position and aspect shows the areas of life, or the personality traits and behaviors, which specifically need extra development. The optimum Uranus nature is intuitive, ingenious and original. A healthy Uranus is eccentric yet comfortable in self-expression. The aim is to be yourself while not upsetting the status quo. Venus The planet of Love Retrograde: October 5th - November 16th Venus takes 225 days to do a complete revolution around the Sun and is stationary for somewhere between a few hours or 3 or 4 days. Venus moves into retrograde every 18 months or so, and then stays that way for about 6 weeks. When Venus goes retrograde, money and love areas are reviewed, and old relations could return to resume or to be completed. New love relationships may produce a change of heart when Venus goes direct. Investments done during the retrograde phase of Venus could lose in value. On a positive note, Venus retrograde could bring a refreshing pause to the dramatic scripts of our love stories, helping us step back and regain perspective. Are we truly writing ourselves into suitable romantic roles? And if not, what can we do to recast or change a less-than-stimulating plot line? Venus is retrograde approximately 7-8% of the time, so that approximately 7-8% of people are born while Venus is retrograde. When Venus is in retrograde, the feeling nature is deep. Socializing is taken seriously, and rarely lightly, as there can be an awkwardness felt concerning small talk and social graces, and an aversion for superficialities. Love is extremely important to a person with a retrograde Venus, but they may not be explicit about it enough for others to know just how deeply they can love. There is always more to this person than meets the eye. Love life (and sometimes financial life) can be hidden in some manner. People born under Venus retrograde have to watch for self-sabotage in love relationships. There may be an underlying feeling of not being “good enough”, attractive enough, or loveable enough. Deep insecurities can be present. Self-love can be an issue. Fears can lead them to overcompensate, such as overeat, serial date, etc.; or can have the opposite effect wherein the person tells themselves they don’t need love. The same person can swing from both poles in one lifetime. A balance, of course, is ideally sought. 

May this Guide find you well and in good spirits. Journey well Beloved, as this life is full of many more wonderous surprises and opportunities.


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