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Fire & Love Wellness
"The holistic approach to inspired living!"
It feels good to live well (and healthy)
Programs for
Functional Living
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include 3 skills:
1. Emotional awareness: This is both the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others;
2. The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving;
3. The ability to manage emotions: this includes the ability to regulate your own emotions in addition to the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.
Restorative Yoga for Emotional Health
Weekend emotions & stress release sessions
Includes a take-home stress management kit
*1 free private yoga session to each participant
** Workshop can accommodate up to 10 people per session (Currently booking for open 2018 sessions)
Goal: To reduce stress and find inner serenity.
Chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. It’s time we compassionately and effectively learn best practices to manage and reduce its effects.
Holistic Life Coaching & Breathwork
30 - 90 min. sessions
1-on-1 & small group coaching available
Hassle-free locations, meet anywhere you wish (Online, Phone, In-Home, Office, Library, Gym, Park etc.)
Goal: Experience relaxation, conscious self-awareness, improved sleep pattern, as well as personal acceptance and empowerment on a subconscious level with the use of guided breathing and therapeutic sounds. Both are used to promote physiological changes within mind and body.
In-home/On-site Private Yoga
A perfect way to experience and create a total sense of wellness in your daily life. Mindfully challenge your body by discovering its optimal level of health and well-being.
Sessions incorporate multiple breathing techniques, mindful physical modifications suitable for all levels of participants, as well as positive motivation and hands - on biofeedback.
Can be booked privately or as part of a small group setting.
(Yoga mats may be purchased or rented upon request.)
Coaching & Yoga for Weddings
Wedding planning and the actual wedding day can be a stressful affair. Create a space of unity and relaxation in the midst of the chaos and stress that is typical for a wedding weekend.
Get in the best shape of your life
Learn how to meditate
Alleviate family and spouse-to-be tension
Balance wedding planning and daily life
Deal with advice from everyone you know
Embrace the changes in your lives as a soon-to-be married couple
Let go of the past and the life you led as a single person
De-stress mentally and physically
Great for all members of the family and wedding party
Learning to love and forgive yourself is the key to happiness. When you learn to let go of those things that no longer serve you, there is more space for love to dwell.
"Being someone's first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect." ~unknown
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