Why are we all so Busy?! Does it ever end?!
I don't feel that in 2018, I have to make a grand gesture of symbolism, by giving great allegorical references as to how busy we all are in today's culture. I believe we all have a deep understanding , that everyone seems to be entirely too busy, ALL of the time. We know that everyone is either working too many jobs or working too many hours on the job. On top of that, are the familial responsibilities, perhaps academic responsibilities, or in many cases, most some sort of overwhelming combination of all of these. My question, is what has really got us all so busy and worn out?!
Now you you've heard one statistical study, after another stating the life threatening dangers of too much unmanaged stress, the importance of getting plenty of rest and water, and of course having some kind of FUN in your life. Yet, still the majority of people will still suffer from stress related illness and disease (dis-ease in the body) which often ranges from mental, to emotional, to physical exhaustion; depression; anxiety; moodiness, poor decision making, slower reaction times to movements, in ability to concentrate; exacerbated hypertension, and those are just to name a few.
There are countless ads, and PSA's both written and in video format that also relay the dangers in living a stressed filled life, yet for some reason we all continue to be extremely busy, and it's only getting worse. Parents are working full and part time jobs to keep up with bills and children's activities, yet don't have the remaining time or energy to fully enjoy those moments fully due to exhaustion. Not to mention that in working all these hours, the average family still has to live paycheck to paycheck, and rely on some sort of assistance in order to support the needs of their families.
Now I understand the realities of needing to provide for yourself and families, however I would like to make this contention. Is it necessary to deplete yourself of all vital energies in pursuit of chasing the "American dream" or some version of capitalistic happiness. Is it worth modeling the cyclical behavior of over stressing ourselves, with very little self care, to our children and teenagers?! Is it worth our children and teens taking on 50 - 60 hours of school work a week in order to achieve mediocrity in the world academic standing?! Is it sustainable long term to choose a life, where most of your time is spent doing things you do not enjoy?!
When we allow ourselves to reach this point of high stress and high levels of exhaustion and illness, we not only drain ourselves of willpower and vital life force, we also deplete our creativity, and slowly lose the power of our imaginations. As we continually come home after 8-10 hours working, spend 6-8 hour sleeping, 3 hours eating, and the remaining time complaining of lack of free time, we can see how this will serve as our detriment in the long run. If you do not have the time to DREAM up, IMAGINE and PLAN the life you want for yourself and family, then when exactly will you have the time to LIVE the life you want. If most of your energy is spent south the basic daily activities ALL of the time, when exactly do YoU get to live a new pattern of life?!
Obviously in order to achieve the life you want, and dream of takes effort and some bit of work, however if all of our time is spent being exhausted, and working too much, what kind of shape will we be in come the twilight years of our lives. Will we be in peak condition still ready to take on life's many adventures or will we be locked in the same small town mindset ragged and torn from a life of unmanaged stress, afraid to explore the world?!
Where is the honor in sacrificing your present time of good health, vitality, and mental capacities, for years of meager pennies and a cookie cutter lifestyle, only to reach older ages, with very little of nothing left to give and fully enjoy your remaining years.
Where is the common sensibility to kick and make us realize that tomorrow is never guaranteed. No one is guaranteed to take another breath and live past this current moment that we are in.
Consider this?! At any moment of the day, the the breath you are about to take could be your last! If so, are you happy with them since you have lived? Did you say I LOVE you to those special people? did you take that risk and reach for greatness? Did you take that trip? Make that memory?
Or did you spend most of your time skating through life, living the way others have told you is correct for you?!
NOW !! Is the only moment we can ever fully be present in, and can ever truly affect change in. So take advantage of the NOW!! Be fully present ad aware of your present situation, the people involved, and whether or not you are fully living the way you want to! Remember, as long as you are drawing breath, there is always time to change the direction your life is headed. There is always time to take over as the pilot of your own life!
Your life is worth whatever changes you have to make in order to live the best version of you life!!
Namaste, BE WELL!!
Namaste my lovelies
Be Well