What are you thinking??
Unfortunately most of us have no idea what we are thinking most of the time. Try this simple test to find out what vibration you’re really sending out into the Universe- Monitor every thought you have for the next hour. If it is a negative thought- judgment, anger, frustration, anger, anxiety, fear etc then discard it as quickly as you recognise it. If it is a positive thought- joy, excitement, happiness, contentment, admiration, love, compassion.. then nurture it, hold it and the associated feelings with you as long as you can. All you have to do to pass the test is have more positive thoughts than negative- 51% will do to start. If you’re feeling really brave try it for a whole day... Namaste friends ~Mercury Veritas/ Michael Gamble #lovewarrior #powerofpositivity #lightwarrior #nlp #programyourself