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Oracle Message April 1st, 2018 New beginnings!!

Oracle message April 01 2018 The universe is sending notice to be aware of repetitive patterns in your life. Sometimes the things that feel most familiar, carry with them reminders of what you don’t want to experience again. You are currently faced with a fork in the road and must make a conscious choice regarding the next right action. You have you need for the success you seek. remember, a lesson truly learned is crystallized as earned wisdom, and butterflies you can move forward cautiously, or you can look for another path that will take you in a new direction. Consider if you have previously fallen in a hole a few times; wouldn’t you walk around it once you became aware of your pattern. The process of change is often painful, and never without losses and sacrifices. Letting go isn't easy, especially when you are used to thinking a certain way about your life and how you live it. Butterflies earn their wings through great effort. A caterpillar “dies” so that a butterfly can be born, just as you are being required to release your old ideas and embrace the necessary changes, so you can live your best life. It may be your thoughts surrounding low self-worth, a draining relationship past or current or even unhealthy habits. This is a transformational time for you, and there will be loss involved, but you will love what you become, and despite your fears, you must accept this for the best outcome possible. Whatever the choice is you make, when faced with the fork in the road, you must take responsibility for it, and you must not be afraid. You may not have all the answers right now as you journey into the unknown, but ask for signs from your guides, and trust your intuition to guide you to the right path for you. If you remain conscious and aware, your choice will be the right one at this time. Remember life is always about learning, and success lies in choosing consciously, guided by intuition and spirit. No matter what, you are on this path to gain greater wisdom, regardless of the choice you make. That said, you do not have to retrace your footsteps through the same old beaten path. Accepting that not every avenue is available to you at this time is a powerful realization. once you now where the hole in road lies, do all you can to treasure, share and employ that wisdom. Because the the way ahead cannot be known until you have embarked and traveled a few steps, trust and use your intuition and you will always be well guided. Namaste my lovelies 

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