Support our student emotional intelligence campaign!
HELP US REACH Minnesota's Teens!
A wonderful Wednesday afternoon to everyone, spring rain is finally in the air and the winter winds are changing. This is a great opportunity to join in our campaign to bring emotional intelligence to our teen and student populations.
Too often our youth feel neglected when they are faced with overwhelming stressors, traumatic experiences, health concerns, and self identity issues. Combine that with a mindset conditioned to focus on fear, and a world waiting to feed on those fears at every turn, it is easy to see why so many youth feel isolated, powerless to make self-conscious decisions. Our mission is to partner with local middle and high schools during the school year to provide Emotional Intelligence, & physical education programs, twice weekly during the school year.These programs are designed to teach students to be aware of their inner self-talk both negative and positive, time and emotional management, and how to turn fear (false, expectations/evidence, appearing, real) into CHOICE (consistent, healthy, options, influencing/inspiring, clarity & exploration.)
Visit the go fund me campaign page ( and make sure to spread the word, to friends, family, co-workers, basically anyone with any connection to a young person in their lives.
The time for conquering fear and showing empathy and compassion in now. The present is where we will do our most effective work, to change the future for the better.
Have a great weekend everyone and remember to forgive, let live well, and love strong my friends.